Charities are struggling more than ever, with reduced spending in these times of austerity, many services particularly those in the non-statutory sector are seeing increasing waiting lists and limitations to their services. The UK’s biggest voluntary services union, Unison found that 80% of advocacy charities say that it is getting harder for clients to get representation and advocacy, as well as basic advice.A lot of our mediators have experience of working for charities or of providing pro-bono work, and know the difference mediation could make in the charity sector. Many cases that clients need help with, are ideal for mediation, but the cost of mediation and the lack of legal aid for civil case work, means that It is often beyond the reach of those who could benefit most.
This is why we are now offering free mediation for clients of charities. Our service will not differ in anyway to our paid mediation service, the mediator will still be CMC registered, knowledgeable and backed by our full support team. We only ask that a trainee mediator is allowed to observe so that they can develop their skills.There are many types of case that are ideal for mediation, housing disputes, service provision, complaints, and employment issues. Whatever your clients are facing, give us a call and we will be happy to talk to you about whether your particular case could benefit from mediation. If suitable, we can contact the other party and start moving towards solving the dispute.
We look forward to getting to know you all over the next few years, and to working together to increase access to mediation.